Bomb Squad
This scenario you and your friends have one hour to diffuse a bomb before it detonates! Similar to the movies, any wrong code results in the bomb speeding up!
This is our most difficult room, with a 40% success rate!
Cabin In The Woods
This scenario you and your brave detectives want to solve a murder mystery in one hour, before the killer comes back to claim his next victims!
This is our easiest room, with a 65% success rate. Great for those new to the escape game experience!
Cabin Fever
This scenario you and your daring friends have one hour to find the antidote to a killing virus, before you succumb to the virus!
This is our second hardest room, with a 50% success rate!
Wild West
This scenario you and your posse have one hour to take down a crooked sheriff who is trying to steal the land deeds from the locals. Be careful, if you are caught snooping you will land yourself in jail!
This is our medium room, with a 60% success rate!